Nadia Bazzucco


My keyword is: Transformation! In my paintings nothing is as it seems, I’m always driven by the curiosity to experiment with new techniques and see in what form an idea comes to life, which then inevitably always changes!

I was born in a small village in the province of Verona, the city of Romeo and Juliet and the city of Love, on May 12, 1984.
And from an early age I’m passionate about all that is ART.
As soon as I had the opportunity, during the school’s summer breaks, I began to approach the fantastic world of the restoration of antique furnitures and gold frames, a world made of patience, of details, of hours with the head bowed with an agate stone in my hands … So beautiful! This experience gave me the opportunity to improve myself: trying to recognize the true color hidden under decades of dust and wear has been a constant challenge for me but it also gave me great satisfaction! Thanks to the many techniques learned, I laid the foundations to create a pictorial style that represents me and is all mine.
But, who knows: the influences of our favorite artists always enrich us with a tangible reflection on what we then create!

When I was given the opportunity to turn what at the time was just “an experience in an artisan workshop” into a real job, I didn’t feel like taking it, as I was too young, and so I decided to transfer everything I have learned in an apparently parallel, but never so close, world: the make-up one! I graduated with flying colors from the Milan Make-up Artist Academy and I started my career in this wonderful sector.

Although my work was apparently taking me to a new dimension, I have always continued to give vent to my need to “create” something beautiful, to get my hands dirty, to give life to new paintings.

Today, I mainly create paintings and furnishing panels on wood, canvas and mixed bases, including large ones, suitable and perfect to give personality and contrast to a minimal style, to post-industrial and contemporary environments, lofts, commercial places, concept stores or simply to dress your home with a painting in which recognize yourself in. A work to rest on and admire, which inspires more questions than answers, like I do by observing them from my sofa 🙂 Each time it is a new reflection.

Each painting is composed of many different layers: transparent, materic, metallic, with applications, 3D, pigments, glitters, stones and finishing like resin and …… I can’t reveal everything!

A very important thing for me is the sustainable composition of every single element which should be made up of recycled materials to elevate even the poorest thing to a new dignity.

Please don’t watch my works and stop! But, touch them, imagine, dream …