The st-Art Journal: Stories, Events & More

Art Education britt broadwood Art Education britt broadwood

African Art

It would not be an exaggeration to label as “pretentious” the attempt to write all that is African art in a single article, especially if we understand that Africa is an immense continent, whose extension is three times that of Europe…

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Art Education britt broadwood Art Education britt broadwood

Digital Art: From Concept to Reality

Is digital art really a threat to the supremacy of the traditional Institution of Art? This is a question that emerges in front of the vertiginous growth of the universe of Digital Art in the last fifty years. Some “nuances of fear” may arise in front of the…

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Art Education britt broadwood Art Education britt broadwood

Minimalist Art

When we think of Minimalism, a concept emerges attached to the term itself: simplicity. We are talking about a philosophy of life, style and artistic movement transversal to several disciplines. Despite their differences, these have in…

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Art Education britt broadwood Art Education britt broadwood

Color Psychology

Color can induce moods and dictate powerful sensations. Since some centuries back, as early as the 15th century, the artists in the quest of expressing their emotions while looking to provoke their audience’s, used different pigments in their…

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Art Education britt broadwood Art Education britt broadwood

Van Gogh and Japan

Japonisme is a concept used to describe the study of Japanese art and its influence on European artists. It was present in several currents, including art nouveau and post-impressionism. But this phenomenon is more closely related to…

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Art Education britt broadwood Art Education britt broadwood


Cubism is the innovative artistic movement that emerged in France in the 20th century, between 1907 and 1908. Its creators were the famous..

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Art Education, News britt broadwood Art Education, News britt broadwood

Art Activism

In the ever changing social and political landscape, art remains the constant. Art has always been a way of responding to one’s surroundings, which has often led to societal..

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