The st-Art Journal: Stories, Events & More
Noah Latif Lamp Through Time
Today there is such a variety of different artists in the visual art scenery, so many diverse personalities with their own complexity, all bringing different attributes and expression to the art world. The ones I love the most are those who…
Art Exhibition – Memories From Materials by Krisztina Czika
Experience Brand New artworks that express memories on materials that at the same time tell you a story. Join the st-Art curators and Hungarian artist Krisztina Czika for FREE at the Cut-Throat’s brand new De-Pijp location to experience her…
Carlo Tozzi’s Interview: ‘The art market and emerging artists: challenges and opportunities’
Carlo Tozzi, the founder of st-Art, is discussing the challenges and opportunities of the art market and emerging artists in Deloitte's Report.