Giulia D’Anna Lupo
Author and illustrator, born in Naples, lived in Rome, London and now based in Paris, she works for Le Monde newspaper and others press magazine in France. She published a book about the Villa Medici in Rome and was exhibited there too. She works as an illustrator, creative director and pedagogic consultatant for the children’s magazine Le Petit Ami du Louvre distributed in the Louvre museum. She’s also been working for: Flammarion, Société des Amis du Louvre, Fundación Amigos Museo del Prado, Electa-Mondadori, Telecom Italia, Gulf Stream Editions, Océanopolis-Aquarium de Brest, Glamour, Giunti Edizioni, Adriano Salani Editore, Edizioni Laterza, Giunti Edizioni, La Feltrinelli Edizioni, Nuove Edizioni Romane, Marsilio Editore, Era Nuova Edizioni, Sephora, Procter & Gamble, INPS, Unicef, Bim Film Distribution.