Yana Medow

I am a self-taught creative, born in Spain, Madrid, 1976
My trade mostly developed while on a long journey,(especially throughout Latinamerica)
In later travels, it was only natural to begin using paints. Taking a special liking to oil painting, outdoors often, due to the nature of traveling as a way of life, a way of looking.
The environment & local culture which surrounds me became
always a fundamental part of the works, still today.
It is through them that I wish to share and keep inviting, reminding, to see the beauty in what is near.
What happiness can occur from this and what it can do?
That apparent simplicity around us which we seem to inevitably take so continuously for granted, forgetting often what really matters

“Painting today what really exists, it is an act of resistance that generates hope,” John Berger.

Last Nerve Cell